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I played easy cuz normal was NOT normal, but I swear some of those words did not mean what it said, I assuming its for the spooky aroma. Cuz insecure does not mean unsafe and obsessed does not mean haunted. Great game tho. Tbh I dont understand the good ending. If you could explain that would be great!


These words do absolutely mean that, you're just too used to one of the definitions of the word, when they have multiple meanings depending on context.


i'm curious as to how to get the other two endings! i'm proud to say I did fairly well on the vocab because i'm a language buff >:] there were some good ass words in here! 


One of the endings can be unlocked by failing the vocab game (unconscionable, I know :P). The final ending is unlocked by playing through all three levels and following your friend's advice. Glad you enjoyed!!


I like how the words would start to apply to the environment sounds.  Seriously creeped me out!

played through twice just to learn new words


I won’t be able to stop saying ‘Sir’ because I kept saying ‘Sir, SiR, SIR, Please, sir, find a different past time than looking at people through windows’ 😩 I was very spooped so you achieved your goal 👍 in spoopy-ness


the vocab definitely the scariest part lol


I really enjoyed finding out that I don't actually know English that well, the audio ques were nice and unfortunately I got the bad ending, but I still found it really fun!

This is very spooky, I thought there would be a jumpscare imao.


wow, I was on the edge of my seat


really good game i love getting both ending !!


This is so well done. I've played it 4 times now. 3 to see all the differences and once to show my mom. She's a huge word nerd and was super impressed by the words in the hard mode. And every time I played I was still freaked out! you're doing amazing work and I hope you keep going. I can't wait to see what you do next.


I'm honored to receive the Mom Stamp of Approval. :) It's really cool she checked it out with you, and I'm glad you enjoyed!


This game scared me so bad I peed a little. Keep it up bro!


This game and Please Answer Carefully both scared the SHIT out of me. I adore them. You're very good at this.


Thanks so much :)


very spook

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It may be short, but it was definitely worthwhile! I liked that the vocab sections had different options, and that tense atmosphere throughout each playthrough was very well done. It's commendable what can be done with sounds, a few pictures, and visual effects. This was creepy without being too creepy. Loved it.


Nice concept! I appreciate you making the hard vocab actually hard. :)


i somehow got all 3 endings in a row great game will never sleep again probably idk 10/10


Greast Game Slamboney1


Even though Im a bit rusty on my vocabulary, I'm proud of myself for getting as much as I did, but more importantly, I'm proud of YOU for making such a pants-shittingly scary horror with absolutely no jumps area! The soundscape of the whole thing was amazing, to the point where my anxious ass will have to save trying to get any of the other endings for later lmao ^^; I'm afraid for what's to come when I play again, considering I got the "good" ending!

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I got the bad ending and it was really creepy. Definitely worth it. Don’t know how to get the good ending though.


The good and bad ending depend on your vocab score, whereas the final ending needs something extra to trigger it :)


Ohhhh. Gotcha. 


OMG this is amazing, I would recommend this to anyone who wants a good thriller with amazing writing. I like the choices of vocab and I do love the different difficulties. Thank you Litrouke for this, I hope to see more games. Hope you and anyone reading a good day<3

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No jumpscare solidarity :)


A very subtle tense vibe, I liked it a lot


Hiii, idk if you'll even see this lol but I'm a beginner coder who's been planning on making something like this for a class.... can I ask how you went about making this? Def recommending this btw, the glitchy stuff made me wanna check my door


Hey! I made it using Twine, a free low-code game dev tool. If you look for Twine on reddit, you can find a link to the Twine Discord where expert coders help out new ones.

For this game, 90% of the effects were accomplished through CSS. There's very little "actual" coding (Javascript, etc.) going on, other than some basic variable tracking. Hope that helps!

Omg thank you so much! I'll definitely check it out :)

Thanks for sharing!


I have a degree in English and I sucked at the vocab


Really loved this:) 



So uhhh, I got the final ending, and dude bro, I am SO sorry. Also I was lowkey surprised I managed to turn my phone off, I barely manage to get through things like these without watching a playthrough. I was so nervous I literally checked the man before and after every single question in session C. I don't know if that was what made the the ending trigger, but hey, at least it worked out!


welp this game either disturbed me or made me laugh inside. IDK anymore honestly, which means it did it's job XD. 7/10 and to anyone else reading this you can check out this video if you want this is mainly just here to add to the review

I got all the vocab right, but then I replayed and got it all wrong and died :P


this game was epic! i liked how there weren't really any jumpscares, but you get this sense of dread (because of the sounds..) i got the good ending, and i will definitely be playing again to get the bad ending. thank you so much for making it! <3


this was a really cool way of approaching this type of game...i think it wouldve been better if we could move around but it was a great game overall coz the sounds could really just make you imagine anything. this is actually a fear of mine....included in "playing 3 scary games" 


WOW I am stupid. Great game! I need to read more-


the antecipation for a jumpscare made me feel uneasy throughout the whole thing. 10/10


great game


Nice! I love this game! :D


Really creepy, liked it very much! Got all 3 endings


k i felt uneasy the whole time good job


good atmosphere and the way the game gets you immersed into it! but i don't get the final ending? am i just dumb?

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good ending (bearly) :( 8===D i have all endings lol


The clicking noises at the end of the good ending sounding like they were really coming from behind me! The barking woke up my cat. Good Audio Quality

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Thanks for the warning ;w; I have autophobia so when I'm alone and not distracted I always check behind me or someone/something, so this is really helpful to know lol

I hadn't even thought about that! I'm happy that this helped you. I'd say the game is just as creepy without sound.

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