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I'm not able to use my headphones (port busted) but it still got me spooked. Since I haven't seen anyone talking about the possible story of the game I will!

  So based on the fact that the man outside is attracted to your phone according to your friend, it probably uses electronics to track it's prey. It seems to "infect" if that's the right word the electronics and that shows how it's feeling? 

  Your friend also seems to be similar in that regard? But not a monster, since they remember everything that happens and can also use your phone to convey messages, they're clearly not human, but not evil either.

  Now onto the glitches and other anomalies present. The man seems to convey how it feels via your phone, it's probably not purposely trying to communicate or whatever it's doing, but just a side effect? Such as the necrophagia part. I think it also connects you? Or maybe these parts are hallucinations induced by it's presence, what I'm talking about are the incessant, breathing, and the leaves falling parts, I think it's causing you to hallucinate and think about how it's incessant, hearing and feeling breathing, and seeing leaves.

  Now onto your friend! I think your friend is also capable of infecting your phone, and is also an anomaly of sorts, since they're aware of things resetting, and I think them acting dumb about your window being broken is to keep the loops intact until they can find a solution. When they do find a solution, they leave themselves vulnerable....

  The endings in my opinion show off more of what the man's goals are and how a time loop is in play and how your friend isn't human, but not stronger than the man. 

   Bad ending: 

You suck at vocab, which doesn't really... matter? But your friend nor your mom is unable to help you leaving you to your fate (at least until the loop restarts). 

There are two things I think about this ending: 

Either your friend is kidnapped (which explains why they quit responding) and is murdered, which is why you smell mushrooms and something rott...en and the door is locked, shown by the audio of a what sounds like a doorknob being use but not opening, and then what we can only assume is the man killing you and eating your corpse (necrophagia is one of the words in the game for a reason. I think this is the most likely scenario.


The man is essentially a walking corpse that can mess with electronics, a very common spirit or whatever ability. It's stopping you from receiving messages or contacting anyone for that matter. See above to what I think it does.

  Good ending:

Your friend showing up before the man gets to them (this ending is what makes me think about the former part of my theory on the bad ending is the most likely scenario) and is able to drive them away. The broken window's significance makes me think the man is aware of the time loop and cracks as if to say, "I will get you next time." and then scenario loops once more, which I think is your friend's influence whether they're aware of what they're doing or not?

Good ending (barely): I'm thinking with this one, any sort of outside influence can drive the man away, but only your friend is capable of fighting back against it sorta. Window theory stays the same.

   Final ending:

This is where it culminates, your friend has finally figured out this thing isn't giving up, and decides to figure out how to stop it.

Due to being otherworldly, and able to look into your phone too, they can sense it's attraction to phone and is using it to track you. They do some digging, yada-yada, and discovers this. 

They try telling you in the final texts, but is stopped by the man outside, and you seem to be left to your fate again and yet another time loop, but your friend instead decides to risk it and leave themselves open to leave a message via the app telling you to turn off your phone.

It works and the man is gone, bad news is, it has a new target, tracking your friend via their involvement in your phone and following the trail. It's hunger is now directed to them. I think the man outside will also employ a new tactic, one where turning off their phone won't be so effective.

And that's my theory! To anyone who reads, I hope you enjoyed my rambling, and feel to criticize it, or suggest something else. Some other stuff I loved about this game is that during the third set of all the difficulties, most if not all the words are related to your current situation, such as:

Nadir: lowest point, it's the lowest point for your safety

Macilent: emaciated, the man outside is emaciated and needs food, which happens to be you

Necrophagy: corpse eating, do I really need to explain this one?

There are others, but these stuck out to me the most.

Loved the game!

Thanks for your theory. I enjoyed reading it and it made me understand the game more.

OK! allow me to get to work here! I played this all to many times and have theories of my own. There is one thing I don't agree with and some things I would like to add. I do not agree with you on what the friend is. I think the "man" is hunting him and, as I think your theory of him tracing prey through electronics makes sense, he hears your friend through the phone and thinks you are him, meaning that different things happen depending on the endings you get. Here are those theories: 

Bad ending: He comes for you and succeeds in it, but eats you far to fast and before he realizes you are a different person (if he can)

Good ending: your friend gets there and the man tries to go to the door before it gets most likely locked and you find the window he half broke trying to get in.

Final ending: He finds out your friend is somewhere else via him interfering with your phone and goes there. that's it.

Anyway I think that the time loop theory works only because your friend knows you have encountered the man before. Though it does explain why the man stops him on your phone, and in my opinion also gives a good reason for why he would hunt your friend. Ether way your theories are good and the game is great!


i got the bad ending but that was cool


Got the final and bad endings. I'm lazy to get the good one, and despite that, the game is still interesting - leaving me with questions.

(1 edit) (+1)

The mood here is unparalleled, I was terrified and checked the window constantly. Even after checking the comments and about the game section to know how to get more endings, I still couldn't help being paranoid about checking.


The good ending keeps the creep factor while letting you feel some relief, and the bad and true endings are truly upsetting.

That said, I found the fact that 'he' comes more for your phone than for you specifically a bit odd. Is the creature after humans but interacts with them solely through eletronics? That seems a bit overly specific... Is it attracted by signals and attacks humans once it finds them? I don't know, it just felt, odd.

Still, an amazing and atmospheric story delivered with strong visuals and good gameplay. I enjoyed it thoroughly.


really cool concept, loved learning new words. and also meeting my cool new friend!



O MY GOD this was a REALLY good game 

very spoopy indeed


I played easy cuz normal was NOT normal, but I swear some of those words did not mean what it said, I assuming its for the spooky aroma. Cuz insecure does not mean unsafe and obsessed does not mean haunted. Great game tho. Tbh I dont understand the good ending. If you could explain that would be great!


These words do absolutely mean that, you're just too used to one of the definitions of the word, when they have multiple meanings depending on context.


i'm curious as to how to get the other two endings! i'm proud to say I did fairly well on the vocab because i'm a language buff >:] there were some good ass words in here! 


One of the endings can be unlocked by failing the vocab game (unconscionable, I know :P). The final ending is unlocked by playing through all three levels and following your friend's advice. Glad you enjoyed!!


I like how the words would start to apply to the environment sounds.  Seriously creeped me out!

played through twice just to learn new words


I won’t be able to stop saying ‘Sir’ because I kept saying ‘Sir, SiR, SIR, Please, sir, find a different past time than looking at people through windows’ 😩 I was very spooped so you achieved your goal 👍 in spoopy-ness


the vocab definitely the scariest part lol


I really enjoyed finding out that I don't actually know English that well, the audio ques were nice and unfortunately I got the bad ending, but I still found it really fun!

This is very spooky, I thought there would be a jumpscare imao.


wow, I was on the edge of my seat


really good game i love getting both ending !!


This is so well done. I've played it 4 times now. 3 to see all the differences and once to show my mom. She's a huge word nerd and was super impressed by the words in the hard mode. And every time I played I was still freaked out! you're doing amazing work and I hope you keep going. I can't wait to see what you do next.


I'm honored to receive the Mom Stamp of Approval. :) It's really cool she checked it out with you, and I'm glad you enjoyed!


This game scared me so bad I peed a little. Keep it up bro!


This game and Please Answer Carefully both scared the SHIT out of me. I adore them. You're very good at this.


Thanks so much :)


very spook

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It may be short, but it was definitely worthwhile! I liked that the vocab sections had different options, and that tense atmosphere throughout each playthrough was very well done. It's commendable what can be done with sounds, a few pictures, and visual effects. This was creepy without being too creepy. Loved it.


Nice concept! I appreciate you making the hard vocab actually hard. :)


i somehow got all 3 endings in a row great game will never sleep again probably idk 10/10


Greast Game Slamboney1


Even though Im a bit rusty on my vocabulary, I'm proud of myself for getting as much as I did, but more importantly, I'm proud of YOU for making such a pants-shittingly scary horror with absolutely no jumps area! The soundscape of the whole thing was amazing, to the point where my anxious ass will have to save trying to get any of the other endings for later lmao ^^; I'm afraid for what's to come when I play again, considering I got the "good" ending!

(1 edit) (+2)

I got the bad ending and it was really creepy. Definitely worth it. Don’t know how to get the good ending though.


The good and bad ending depend on your vocab score, whereas the final ending needs something extra to trigger it :)


Ohhhh. Gotcha. 


OMG this is amazing, I would recommend this to anyone who wants a good thriller with amazing writing. I like the choices of vocab and I do love the different difficulties. Thank you Litrouke for this, I hope to see more games. Hope you and anyone reading a good day<3

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No jumpscare solidarity :)


A very subtle tense vibe, I liked it a lot


Hiii, idk if you'll even see this lol but I'm a beginner coder who's been planning on making something like this for a class.... can I ask how you went about making this? Def recommending this btw, the glitchy stuff made me wanna check my door


Hey! I made it using Twine, a free low-code game dev tool. If you look for Twine on reddit, you can find a link to the Twine Discord where expert coders help out new ones.

For this game, 90% of the effects were accomplished through CSS. There's very little "actual" coding (Javascript, etc.) going on, other than some basic variable tracking. Hope that helps!

Omg thank you so much! I'll definitely check it out :)

Thanks for sharing!


I have a degree in English and I sucked at the vocab


Really loved this:) 



So uhhh, I got the final ending, and dude bro, I am SO sorry. Also I was lowkey surprised I managed to turn my phone off, I barely manage to get through things like these without watching a playthrough. I was so nervous I literally checked the man before and after every single question in session C. I don't know if that was what made the the ending trigger, but hey, at least it worked out!


welp this game either disturbed me or made me laugh inside. IDK anymore honestly, which means it did it's job XD. 7/10 and to anyone else reading this you can check out this video if you want this is mainly just here to add to the review

I got all the vocab right, but then I replayed and got it all wrong and died :P


this game was epic! i liked how there weren't really any jumpscares, but you get this sense of dread (because of the sounds..) i got the good ending, and i will definitely be playing again to get the bad ending. thank you so much for making it! <3


this was a really cool way of approaching this type of game...i think it wouldve been better if we could move around but it was a great game overall coz the sounds could really just make you imagine anything. this is actually a fear of mine....included in "playing 3 scary games" 


WOW I am stupid. Great game! I need to read more-


the antecipation for a jumpscare made me feel uneasy throughout the whole thing. 10/10


great game

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